Take Five! – Slides

> plugins/slides/takefive-slides.css

This plugin does nothing else than making sure that all the <section> elements with class "slides" are hidden from the screen, but displayed on the printed page. This makes it possible to accompany these sections with a proper <header> that will be visible only when printed.

The page you are reading contains a few slides. Please check the printed result.

Available classes

Class Declared as Meaning
"slides" section.slides All <section> elements with class "slides" are hidden on screen but visible on the printed page. If a section with class "slides" contains a <header> as a direct child, this will be displayed in its own dedicated page. Note that another plugin relies on the "slides" class: takefive-counters.css. The two plugins can cohabit.


Slide 1

Silhouette of tree near body of water during golden hour

Slide 2

Close up of leaf

Slide 3

Green hill near body of water

Slide 4

Gray asphalt road surrounded by tall trees