Take Five! – Counters

> plugins/counters/takefive-counters.css

This plugin relies on <section> elements with class "slides" (plural) to number the slides that have a "numbered" or "tracked" class assigned. The CSS can show two different outputs on the bottom right corner of the viewport: a simple number ("numbered" class) or a full path in respect to a tree of nested galleries, in the form of “” ("tracked" class). The numbering will appear also in the printed version of the page.

Available classes

Class Declared as Meaning
"slides" section.slides A new counter() scope will be created for the slides nested within. Not all slides need to be nested inside a gallery, the <article class="slide"> element can still be placed everywhere in a page in case of isolated slides. This class is used only for packing together several related slides that logically belong to a gallery. Note that another plugin relies on the "slides" class: takefive-slides.css. The two plugins can cohabit.
"numbered" article.slide.numbered A "numbered" slide will display only its slide number within the current gallery, or “single slide” when not nested inside any gallery (bottom-right corner of the viewport).
"tracked" article.slide.tracked
A "tracked" slide will display its full path within the gallery tree (e.g., 3.14.6), or “single slide” when not nested inside any gallery (bottom-right corner of the viewport).
Into the woods
Yellow at the lake
Winter tree
The old castle
Into the woods
Yellow at the lake
Winter tree
The old castle

Isolated slide

Gray bridge and trees