Take Five! – Toolbar

> plugins/toolbar/takefive-toolbar.css

Take Five! – Toolbar Plugin Example

This plugin styles a "toolbar" container by placing a custom glyph for each of its direct children in a dedicated area at the bottom of the page.

Elements that do not possess a data-glyph attribute will not be shown, with the exception of <details> elements, for which both the data-glyph and the data-slot attributes (see below) are expected to be found in their <summary> element instead.

It is possible to see the effect generated by the <details> elements by clicking on the ⚙️ 🎬 🔆 📲 🖨 buttons in the example above.

Available classes

Class Declared as Meaning

article.slide .toolbar

A container for the toolbar glyphs.

article.slide .toolbar > :not(details).small-glyph,
article.slide .toolbar > details > summary.small-glyph:first-of-type

Set the font-size property equal to ⅗ the size of the slot. This is the default size.

article.slide .toolbar > :not(details).medium-glyph,
article.slide .toolbar > details > summary.medium-glyph:first-of-type

Set the font-size property equal to ⅘ the size of the slot.

article.slide .toolbar > :not(details).big-glyph,
article.slide .toolbar > details > summary.big-glyph:first-of-type

Set the font-size property equal to the size of the slot.

Supported data-* attributes

Attribute Declared as Meaning
data-glyph article.slide .toolbar > :not(details)[data-glyph],
article.slide .toolbar > details > summary[data-glyph]:first-of-type
Set the glyph generated equal to the unicode character given; for example: <details><summary data-glyph="&#9881;&#65039;" data-slot="bctrl-l1">Settings</summary>Something about settings goes here</details>, or <span onclick="alert('Clicked!');" data-glyph="&#128277;" data-slot="bctrl-l5">Turn notifications on</span>.
data-slot article.slide .toolbar > :not(details)[data-slot],
article.slide .toolbar > details > summary[data-slot]:first-of-type
Set the position of the glyph generated; for example: <details><summary data-glyph="&#9881;&#65039;" data-slot="bctrl-l1">Settings</summary>Something about settings goes here</details>, or <span onclick="alert('Clicked!');" data-glyph="&#128277;" data-slot="bctrl-l5">Turn notifications on</span>. Possible values are: "bctrl-l1", "bctrl-l2", "bctrl-l3", "bctrl-l4", "bctrl-l5", "bctrl-r1", "bctrl-r2", "bctrl-r3", "bctrl-r4" and "bctrl-r5".


The "toolbar" container does not need per se to be placed in any particular point of the slide, however all direct children of the slide except the main <nav> have a z-index assigned that would be too low for the purpose of the plugin. Because of this, the only suitable places are inside the parent <article> as direct child somewhere after <leeloo> (possibly as last child), or anywhere inside the main <nav> (but in this case attention is necessary to avoid nesting links inside the toolbar, as all links of the main <nav> are heavily styled by default).

By using the "z-none" class, it is theoretically possible to nest the "toolbar" container also inside the <aside> or <footer> elements (<aside class="z-none"> or <footer class="z-none">).

Within the same slide there can be more than one container with class "toolbar". A particular data-slot however can be assigned only to one element per slide.


Frozen source
Settings Something about settings goes here
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A nested <details> element is styled normally...

This is a nested <details> element

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