Localization with Take Five! takes place by assigning a lang attribute to any of the parents of a slide (usually the <html> or the <body> element) or to the slide itself, and including in the document one of the translation style sheets distributed by the project. If a translation into a particular language is not available it is relatively easy to use an existing translation as a template for creating a new one – if you do so, please consider to submit your work upstream.
The following box has the lang attribute set to "la" (Latin). Please try to open the nested slide by clicking on the picture below, then hover with your mouse above the navigation buttons.
Tres Gratiae
Tres Gratiae
Quare tres Gratiae et quare sorores sint, et quare manibus inplexis, et quare
ridentes et iuvenes et virgines solutaque ac perlucida veste. Alii quidem
videri volunt unam esse, quae det beneficium, alteram, quae accipiat,
tertiam, quae reddat; alii tria beneficorum esse genera, promerentium,
reddentium, simul accipientium reddentiumque.